Nice coverage of the Caitlin Clark story. I think her 3 point shooting range makes her special, although she certainly has many other skills. Since she does not have any WNBA All Stars on her current team, it would be nice to see how she plays with some of those players rather than against them. Kelsey Plum is on that Olympic Team and I just realized her mother Katie McBride attended UC Davis and played volleyball and her sister also played volleyball for the Aggies. A nice mention of Denise Curry. It’s unfortunate for those Olympic Athletes like her that were on those teams during the boycott year. Denise would have had buckets and rebounds during those Olympic games.

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Wow, Martin. I didn't realize Kelsey Plum's mom and sister were Aggies. Kelsey was such a superstar.

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Yeah, four kids in that family, all collegiate athletes, with two at UC Davis: Kaitlyn (volleyball) and Dan (football). Lauren played volleyball at Oregon and Kelsey obviously went to UW.

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From Mark Honbo, the ultimate Aggie historian. If Mark says it's true, it's true.

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Keep up the good work Bob- Felons R Us, what an apt description.

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Can you believe it, Karla. Where have all the leaders gone? Leaving out Trump and Biden, the bullpen in both parties is thin.

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Bob please read Substack’s by Katherine Watt at Bailiwick News and Sasha Latypova at Due Diligence and Art be enlightened. We are all trapped in the theater of the absurd - our purported leaders are actors on the stage seducing us to accept the jab, it is all theater which allows them to cull the population via a vaccine enabled through the use of Constitutional Laws created over many years and fully implemented during the past five years via the covid vaccine while doing away with our right to informed consent. We have been captured - don’t submit. Read and weep.

This is why your stack is so refreshing I can tune out from the heavy reading and escape via your perspective-thanks.

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Indeed. The bullpen in both parties is week.

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“Felons-R-Us” 🤣🤣🤣

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"Meanwhile, in a stunning reversal of loyalties, Democrats are thrilled that Hunter Biden was convicted of three felonies, while Republicans are upset that he wasn't acquitted."

Oh boy... tongue in cheek sarcasm, but appears to be the actual case based on my news and commentary reading today. But the Republican side seems to have two perspectives. One is the gun rights perspective... there are surprising larger number of Republicans upset because they viewed the verdict as yet another attack on their 2A rights. Regardless of any personal belief on individual gun rights, I see this as impressive as a demonstrated core principle. When the NRA is on the side of Democrats for any gun-related court or policy decision, the universe trembles a bit.

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Yep, Frank, you've identified the issues perfectly. And it looks like Hunter is going to challenge the constitutionality of any restrictions on gun purchases on the same day his dad is at a gun-control rally. The legal "experts" on MSNBC were positively giddy over the verdict. "It's a great day for American democracy." Probably won't make a dime's worth of difference come November.

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Your eclectic reporting remains “par excellence!”

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12

Having been an anti-hotdog gal from a nutritional and gastric vantage-point for the first 35 years of my life, I must say that upon my "reform" (thanks to Katie Couric) I have become an avid Hotdogger fan for the last 35-plus years. Love those Kraut Dogs.

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