Jun 21Liked by Bob Dunning

Come-on, Bob ... We used to have Dinner at the Dump at your suggestion. That lasted in the City of All Things Right and Relevant for many, many decades. Surely you can convince the "powers that be" to host Picnic at the MEAT as a currently relevant annual solar event.

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That is one great suggestion, Sherri. I think they should put you in charge.

It was hot out there today. And lonely.

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Jun 21Liked by Bob Dunning

I'll keep this column in mind when the city asks for an additional 1% sales tax.

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It's just money

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Now THAT was funny!! #M E A T

What a titillating article!!! Thank you for the stomach workout🤣

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You're making me smile, Myrna. Thank you

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I was out there yesterday at 2:15 to avoid the crowds and get a parking spot. I even missed you Bob. You have to walk around the tank to read it and see the missing letters that only show up at the Solstice. If the gate is locked (always is apparently) you must walk through the heavily weeded area to get around. I couldn't remember what the Latin phrase was so I didn't know where the message started. A sign would help. Cheers!

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I was hiding in the weeds, Ralph, saying prayers in Latin.

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Did you take any photos?

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I took the photos you see here. I'm proudest of the four white garbage bags.

I expect to win a Pulitzer for that one.

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Oops, my question was for Ralph Robinson. I was wondering if there are any photos of the shadows from the metal sculptures actually showing the Latin phrase as it is supposed to happen on the Solstice.

I don't have a problem with the City commissioning Public Art and using the Water Tank that way, although compared to the murals in other places on grain elevators, water tanks and public buildings, I think this one is not that great and apparently also hasn't aged well, And I don't think it was worth the cost, especially since the main idea of it only shows up once a year. I'd vote to take the fence down and let the graffiti artists have at it.

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I’m sorry to have missed the Gala MEAT event, this year, Bob…but, then again, sounds like everyone but YOU missed it (weather-related?)🫠

If no brass bands are available next year, we have a tambourine & an acoustic guitar to bring 🤔‼️

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It's a date.

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Are there any photos of the tank at the solstice showing the message (from previous years or this year? Where are the metal sculptures around the rim that are supposed to do this? The paint looks faded and worn in your photos. Does it still look like a mural at all now?

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Hard to tell. There are spider webs and I did see a lizard slipping around inside the gates, clearly against the posted rules.

The best place to view is from the top of the Mace Overpass, but when I slowed down to do that, everyone started honking and one guy yelled "Move It, Buddy," so I did.

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Well Bobby, you can barely see the Tank from the freeway. Perhaps the next time it needs paint your family can be involved.

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Robert - Those tourists don't know what they're missing. It's the logical stop between the Golden Gate Bridge and Lake Tahoe

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