You are so kind, Phil.

I can't explain it. Makes no sense to me. I tried to tell them this was not a good move for the newspaper. Thanks so much for subscribing. Hope our paths cross again soon.

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Stan and family

Your kind words mean the world to me. This has been a difficult stretch, but so many great people like you are picking me up. I'm optimistic about the road ahead. God Bless Bob

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Heartwarming to read these comments of appreciation and love, Bob! Did I hear correctly you already have many many subscribers? I would not be surprised.

Like you, I keep on working…at Cal Poly SLO since mid-December and could be near as long as late Sept, but itching to get back to my primary job as Vice Chancellor for Manure Management at our Vacaville ranch. Julie can’t wait too!

Keep up your exceptional writing for us all, Bob, and Thanks for doing so!!


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Thanks so much, Stan. Yes, the ranch misses you. If you have an extra shovel, I'll help out

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Bob, I’m heartbroken at how things ended at the newspaper we love, but I’m very excited to keep reading you!

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Thank heaven you were my person during my Tour de Cluck days, I mourned the day you left. Now this! The silver lining, I can easily get my daily dose on Substack all the way up here in our new perch on Bainbridge Island!

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Bainbridge Island? One of my daughters is visiting there at this very moment. The home of Pickleball. Where the craze started.

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Love that we are sharing our air with a Dunning! Pickleball is still alive and well in these parts. The original court and the remaining founders are held in reverence. In our town, the spirit of the original game as super inclusive prevails.

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Joe Deets is the current Mayor of Bainbridge Island. Joe’s father Walter Deets owned an insurance company in Davis until the late ‘60s when they moved to Montana. Joe west to West Davis Elementary and WDI.


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I was in the first class at West Davis Elementary

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I learned so much from you Debbie. Thank you

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Glad you will be around longer than the Enterprise. Thanks Bob!

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Thank you, Barbara.

It's a new ride, but I hope to make the best of it.

God Bless


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Barbara - Looking forward to at least 55 more, God willing

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We are trying to understand WHY? It will eventually be known, things like this usually have a resolution. Meantime, we could not move swiftly enough to join you in your new journalism venture. This may turn out where you go to New York City next year to receive the Pulitzer Prize in creative journalism. Send photos. Phil

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When I win the Pulitzer, Phil, you're invited. I'm sure I'll need extra security.

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As someone who regularly feels the need to apologize to the recipient of rudeness I have just witnessed, as the

characteristic behavior of the person in front of me in line, etc., I would like to apologize to you for the behavior of the management to whom you have been so loyal for all these years. This column at your new site has left me with a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach about the Davis Enterprise. I will be unlikely to purchase another newspaper from them. I wish my tiny boycott would have a greater impact, but, sadly, I doubt that it will. I have enjoyed your column for years and have felt that it was a kind of anchor for the Enterprise. I apologize for the callous and deeply offensive way in which your "retirement" was presented to you. I am not naive and am aware that this type of management behavior is prevalent in today's business world. That doesn't make it right.

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Not to worry...you are just one of many who will be dropping The Davis Enterprise over this indignation. They could have kept Bob on until the doors closed, which I expect will be sooner rather than later now.

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Thanks, Robin. We got back a long ways and always stay in touch.

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Thanks, Laddie. Hard for me to understand

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Bob, Great first column, sad as the story is. Looking forward to thousands more.

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Thanks, Craig. Onward and upward

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That's it -- we're canceling our subscription to the Enterprise!

Actually...we can't. We recently called to stop delivery while we were away, but were told we're not subscribers; we didn't realize our subscription had run out because...the paper never stopped coming.

We asked that the paper not be delivered; they told us they can't stop delivering it if we're not subscribers. It got quite circular.

Since we can't cancel our subscription to a paper that nonetheless lands on our driveway three times a week, we'll recycle it and let it serve as a reminder to read your latest column, Bob!

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This bit of of journalism will not stack up on your front porch and tell the local burglars you are out of town, Mike

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And, so…it has come to this…🤦🏻‍♂️

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Correction: Make that landing on our driveway two days a week now.

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Yep, two

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What a legacy run of 55 years. Good to see that you have your own independent platform to continue your great work. Looking forward to your continued growth!

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Welcome, Patrick. Thanks for coming along for the ride.

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Bob, From the time I was a little guy, schlepping those papers on my back to deliver in my own East Davis neighborhood, to my time inside the pressroom and the circulation department on G St, I learned the value of hard work, teamwork, and pride in a quality product. I looked up to my favorite columnist and relished the time I could squeak out a "Hi Bob! when I saw you in town or walking the hall of the office. You were and are my local celebrity. (hey, you gotta start somewhere!).

You are an inspiration to creative thinkers and writers and an all around gem of a human. Nobody deserves what was dished out to you. Im sorry it happened, but something tells me this new foray into the new "wary-one" will exceed your expectations! Keep smiling my friend, you deserve the best!


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Brent - So kind of you. Thank you

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Bob, your columns tend to bring back very fond memories of growing up in Davis, my parents and Blue Devil/Aggie Sports. I remember dropping off those Emerson Jr High Trojan Basketball articles on your desk at the G St. Office. Your devotion, commitment and loyalty to Journalism and the Davis Community are unmatched.

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You are too kind, Martin. Your words mean a ton to me.

Thank you

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I love you, Bob, especially when I disagree with you. What a great idea (and another gift to all of us) your new column is. I can continue to kvetch at you, and I can continue to appreciate your affection for our beloved community. I think that we will find that your voice will continue to inspire us, even as the Enterprise declines. Carry on, my friend. Carry on!

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You are so kind, Freddie. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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Just canceled DE subscription. Your the best of Davis, Bob. Look forward to reading you on the wary one. Wendee

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I'll do my best to keep you informed, Wendee

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The editor's note in Friday's Enterprise was too little, too late, but otherwise a good narrative of your history and meaning to the Davis community. It should have been delivered to you in person.

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Can't control the actions of others. Thanks for the kind thoughts, Don

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Beautifully written as always Bob. I’m excited for your new column here. As sad as the Enterprise’s treatment of you was, view that in your rear view mirror as you start this new adventure.

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I'm loving the ride and living the dream, Jen. Who know what was next?

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Glad that we can continue to read your wonderful column on this new platform. So sorry to hear how Davis Enterprise treated you. God bless you.

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God Bless You, too, Saroja. Wishing you well

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Saroja - God Bless You Too

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Thanks, Bob.

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