I suppose the players looking for retroactive benefits may find it worthwhile to also look at new play options. They can harvest any unused eligibility due to COVID or redshirting. If they have, alas and alack, already graduated they can enroll in graduate school, play another year or two, reap the new pay to play benefits and earn a Ph. D. in the use of the Oxford comma. Plough 'em under Ags

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Wow, Dennis, "Plough 'em under" may just be the slogan of the year.

I can see that on T-shirts and ball caps and all over the scoreboard.

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A brilliant NIL solution to the changing times, well covered by the Wary One, Bob👍🏼‼️

IMHO—retroactivity is a desire of many a former (fill-in-the-blank)…to reap the current provisions of past held positions. However, as my old Dad used to say (RIP), “You can wish in one hand, and…”🫢🤫…🤭

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Bill - I was a pretty average athlete and wasn't much of a student, so I'm not sure you could actually call me a student-athlete, but my goodness are these kids today making me look good. "You played for UC Davis and graduated, too. Wow."

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It’s always “better in the tellin’,” Bob. Particularly when the tale can be seasoned with “the invention of the telephone”📞, and trying to “sell Look magazine subscriptions”😃

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