Burning question: can a toilet run without electricity?
A detailed scientific conversation with a curious and convincing 4-year-old named Ted
A number of years ago, back when I was a single dad happily raising a couple of charming toddlers in our humble East Davis home, I would occasionally write down conversations I had with my son, Ted, or my daughter, Erin, that amused or intrigued me or sometimes made me cry.
I compiled them over time into a book titled "Roommates," since that ultimately was what we were.
That book actually became required reading for a kindergarten class in the small town of Elmira, where I was once invited to read a couple of the entries myself.
On occasion I would share one of these many conversations with readers of The Davis Enterprise.
What follows is one of the conversations the kids in Elmira especially liked. It took place with Ted when he was four years old.
It was titled "Flushed With Controversy" and appears on Page 11 of the book.
I'm the first speaker, then Ted and I took turns after that.
"I think you forgot to flush."
"No I didn't."
"You can't go to nursery school unless you learn to flush."
"I'm scared to."
"Scared, honey? Why would you be scared?"
"I don't want to get a shock."
"From the toilet?"
"How would you get a shock?"
"From the lectricity."
"There's no electricity in the toilet."
"Yes there is. It scares me."
"What makes you say that?"
"Because when you push the handle all that water rushes out real fast and ..."
"That doesn't mean it's electric."
"It is TOO lectric."
"No it's not, sweetheart. Look, I'll explain it."
"Anything that works is lectric."
"No, not always. There are some things that don't need electricity."
"Like what?"
"Let me think."
"Is the TV lectric?'
"Well, yes it is, but ..."
"Is my train set lectric?"
"Yes, yes, it's electric, too."
"So the toilet's lectric, huh?"
"I don't think so."
"Then how's it work without lectricity?"
"It's really very simple. You just push the little handle and all this power forces water into the bowl and then it all goes away like magic."
"So it's magic?"
"Yep, it's magic."
"So where's the power come from?"
"Must be a battery or something."
"Have you ever changed the battery?"
"No, I haven't. I guess it's probably not a battery."
"Then where's the power come from?"
"Maybe a generator."
"A what?"
"Okay, okay. You win. The toilet is electric."
"I told you so."
"Just be sure to unplug it when you're done."
Reach Bob Dunning (or Ted) at bobdunning@thewaryone.com
Your son's reasoning is sound. Anything that works is lectric. That's just basic science.
A logical mind at work. And having his potty training idiosyncrasies shared with your readership, which surely included the parents of his classmates, must have helped him develop incredible strength of character at an early age.
After such a precocious exchange as that, you’re lucky Ted didn’t “unplug” the toilet by disconnecting the supply line…💦
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go chronicle all the precious moments I’ve heretofore relied upon my fading memory to recall…🤔💭