๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Bob, your wit is razor sharp! Maybe leaving the E was the best thing ever? Dad had a way to speed up golf- after you hit 72 times, you are done. The winner is the person who finishes the most holes in 72!

Keep those neurons running, Dunning isnโ€™t done in!

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I don't follow sports for all the same reasons that these suggested improvements cover. I've enjoyed watching rugby, because there are apparently no rules concerning what you can or can't do to the person carrying the over-inflated, purposely-misshapen ball. I've seen it suggested as a better, if not less violent alternative to war.

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Indeed, let's just line every nation up and have one big rugby scrum. Great idea.

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Wow Bob, this is a forward-thinking piece.As a NBA and Basketball fan, when a NBA Ref makes a traveling call, my response is always โ€œthereโ€™s no traveling in the NBAโ€. Then you see a college or high school ref make a traveling call and Iโ€™m thinking about those kids that are watching LeBron, Harden, Tatum, Brown and Ant take more steps then weโ€™ve ever seen in the game. As a fan, I would like to see those rules changed โ€” but your list are what makes your columns so special. Than you Wary One.

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The most entertaining sport I saw was when I was a kid and we attended ostrich racing in Indio during a date festival. The harness version didn't work at all, but the jockeys riding on the backs of the birds were somewhat more successful.

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Don - Had the exact same experience at the Date Festival in Indio. I think it was in February. It was pretty much the star attraction at the festival, along with the dates milk shakes, of course. So good to hear from you

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