Jun 4Liked by Bob Dunning

🤣 👏

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Jun 3Liked by Bob Dunning

“This will not stand! This aggression will not stand, man!” —Jeffrey “The Dude” Lebowski

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If I understand correctly, this was a delinquency notice to begin with; it wasn’t an initial notice with six days to pay the fine or have it doubled.

Parking may be enforced downtown but it’s difficult to get it enforced In residential areas. We’re just off J Street and our cul-de-sac is the overrun parking for the J street apartment complex nearby. Cars come in on a Sunday night and may stay several days. Visitors and service workers may have a time parking near the resident they’ve come to see. We are continually trying to fend off drivers who don’t mind blocking all or part of our driveway. Because of the proximity to the apartments, there is no overnight parking from 2am to 6am every day. Neighbors call for overnight parking enforcement but it doesn’t happen. When one or two cars are there and not ticketed, it becomes a magnet for others and the numbers grow. City services, hired yard maintenance, deliveries have to accommodate. Sometimes we have to work around a vehicle in front when it’s time to put out the city trash barrels. So … for me? I’m all for enforcing what’s on the books. Speeding, running stop signs, no lights on bikes at night. If there’s no enforcement, it’s a free-for-all.

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Good points, Donna. I'm not at all against enforcement. But I am against doubling the fine for being one day late. $100 for a parking ticket is wildly excessive and might make people think twice about coming downtown.

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Wouldn't that be doubling a fine if one day late after ignoring yet a second delinquent notice? Sometimes, it takes a relatively punitive response to get someone to believe you're serious. It's part of what makes parking downtown difficult; it isn't rent for the day or even half-day. When your time is up, please move. Someone else needs that spot.

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“”Goofy half a car” 😂🤣

I love and so enjoy your column !

Thanks for my smile today 🥰

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I can see you smiling all the way from Casper, Donna

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“Booted to Dixon” 🤣🤣🤣

Bob your word wizardly is amazing!!

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You are too kind, Drew. Thank you.

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Dixon, where reality is still a thing. (Dixon ex-pat here.)

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Love Dixon. Loved El Charro and Kim and Ned's and the May Fair.

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As a salon owner downtown it’s a nightmare. Women are more worried about getting the dreaded Downtown Davis parking ticket than me burning or cutting off their hair. (I put 3 ! After that but then I remembered Bob) I digressed as I usually do. Everyone wants to blame our city being turned into a mall food court on expensive rents. Bull. It’s the parking. There’s no time to shop at the mall. Only enough time to eat cheap kiddie food with the half car comin for ya.

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If you go to the theater to watch War and Peace you'll get two tickets, Kathleen

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Exactly right !

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5 parking citations and you are automatically entered into the Indy 500

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You're making me laugh, Pieter

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Our ticketing and fine assessing overseers have no overseers.

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Amen, Frank, Amen

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Can I double like this ??

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You can double any time Kathleen

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...and bear in mind that lately it is taking 6 days (at least) to get from point A to point B.

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Especially if I'm driving, Bev

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Hilarious! How do you just keep getting better??!!

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Davis is a target-rich environment, Renee

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Parking tickets in your other favorite city of Portland are actually cheaper. That may explain a lot of things…

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My old hometown has a ton of problems right now, Jill, but parking tickets are way down on the list.

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Jun 2Liked by Bob Dunning

I got one in San Diego that was an overnight ticket I was wrongly advised on by my hotel. It was $40. Our golden spots are worth more than almost always beautiful sunny San Diego I guess

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Bob: Compared to fines and fees for misdemeanor and even felony violations, traffic fines have always been outrageously high when compared to more serious violations of the Vehicle and Penal Code.

Traffic enforcement, speaking candidly, is seen by local and state government as a lucrative source of supplemental income. The assessments are by administrative or judicial fiat, and the voting public are never told. Take a look and see how little of that $50 fine actually gets to the city coffers.

State law prohibits revenue gained from parking enforcement to be used for salaries of any enforcement officer. It can be used to buy that half-a-car.

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Maybe if they raise all tickets to 100 bucks, Phil, our poor meter minder can get the other half of his car

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Jun 4Liked by Bob Dunning


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The challenge to find parking. Deal with the back ups at intersections, and run the risk of fines has caused Ann and I to invest in e bikes. Now we will only ride bikes downtown to avoid all the problems. It’s actually quite fun, at the ripe old age of 65, to be buzzing around downtown at 15-20 mph like we were college students again. I highly recommend. And refurbished e bikes can be bought for 30-50% less than new or the cost of 10-12 tickets at $100.

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Makes those of us who grew up there but no longer live there not inclined to visit. Prior to Covid a group of us met for breakfast on Sundays. A good choice because parking rules weren't as strict. Don't know about now.

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Robin -

I think the city is afraid to mess with Sundays. Imagine getting a ticket because the Communion line was so long.

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Parking cops share lineage with the commission abolitionist council members.

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Mike - I don't blame the cop, but I do blame those who come up with these onerous fines

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