Should California's private universities be allowed to have legacy admissions?
California State Assembly passes bill to ban this questionable practice
[Exciting update: Bob Dunning recently did an interesting interview with Bill Buchanan on his award-winning show Davisville. Bill, a seasoned journalist, has been hosting Davisville since 2008, interviewing a wide range of fascinating people. In this episode, Bob talks about his transition to Substack and how his new venture is progressing. It’s an insightful listen you won’t want to miss. Check it out here. ]
With Davis being a university town for nearly 120 years, I suspect there may have been some legacy admissions on the University Farm years ago in exchange for a bushel of wheat or a lug box of tomatoes from a grad wishing for one of his kids to learn how to drive a Blue and Gold tractor around campus.
"California may ban legacy admissions at universities," said the headline over a story by Soumya Karlamangla in America's greatest newspaper, The New York Times.
I've been a fan of The Times since I first noticed that boxed-off statement of purpose in the upper-lefthand corner of the front page that states boldly "All the News That's Fit to Print."
In my previous employment at a local newspaper, our motto was simply "All the News That Fits."
And who could ever top the slogan adorning the front page of the esteemed Winters Express where columnist Debra Ramos sparkled so brightly for so many years?