One of a handful of teachers from my era whom I never had, yet continually bragged about long after I graduated. Then again, I don't have to have played for Gregg Popovich to know he's a great coach, either. When it came to the likes of Burmester, Moldenhauer, Brunelle, their records speak for themselves.

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I knew Dave, of course, but was a few years out of school before he came.

I did have Moldenhauer before that was her last name, and my daughter Erin was in the Jazz Choir under the incomparable Dick Brunelle.

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Moldenhauer is so cool she has her own Wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joanne_Moldenhauer

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Thank you for this. Dave had the incredibly generous gift of assuming we were...competent. This was mysterious, terrifying, and a gentle nudge to get on with it. I owe my entire life path to his kindness and quiet support. Along with my parents, he is one of most special people I've known.

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Dan, before writing this I heard what you just said over and over. He treated you folks like you have already arrived, not just on your way. Probably the best way to really learn something new is to have to do it yourself. The old "necessity is the best teacher" approach. I never had him as a teacher, but knew what a kind and great man he was by other parts of his life. Amazing.

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Thanks for your words of celebration for one of the best Davis High teachers I ever had. Dave Burmester was kind and fun and he treated his students with respect. He was an amazing man and he will be remembered fondly by his family and friends but also by the many students like me whom he inspired by his approach to life.

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Thanks for those thoughts, Liz.

I hope God didn't throw away the mold when he made Dave.

We need many more just like him to keep us all going.

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Mr. Burmester was my freshman English teacher in Clarksburg. I never forgot him. I may still have the English final paper I had to write for his class. He also worked with Mr. Bingham to produce the school plays in which I participated. A few years ago he came to a Clarksburg High School reunion luncheon where I got to have a lovely visit with him. It was a joy to see him. I am truly saddened to hear of his passing. My deepest condolences to his family. Thank you, Bob, for the lovely tribute to him.

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Marjorie -

Wonderful words about Dave from his first teaching assignment in that beautiful small town along the Sacramento River. I can only imagine how you and "Mr. Burmester" and all his students thrived in that incredible environment. Thanks for hose memories. Would love to read that English final paper. I'm sure it's a gem.

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If I find it I will share it. And, ha ha, yes, “Mr. Burmester”, even after fifty ++ years later. A sign of my deepest respect. The same holds true for my grammar school principal. My brother once said he couldn’t remember his first name. My response: “Ummm. I think it’s Mr.” We laughed and laughed!

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Bob, what a beautiful tapestry you have weaved in tribute to Dave Burmester’s incredible time on earth. I did not know of him until this morning, and now his life lessons are living in my heart and mind, rent free. Thank you for the introduction…

RIP MR. Burmester…gone too soon.

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Thanks, Bill.

You know, Dave did so many quiet good works that he made our town better for everyone, even those who never met him. I hope he knows how much he was loved.

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Thank you very much, Bob. We'll be saving your priceless eulogy and sending a copy to J's sister in Indianapolis. She was a friend of Libby's since childhood (in San Francisco), and that's how we connected with Dave back in the '70s during our first stay in Davis.

Linda and Julian Irias

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Wow. Relationships go back a long way, don't they?

What an amazing family.

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Beautiful tribute, Bob. I wish I was young enough to have known him before leaving Davis.

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I think we were five or six years ahead of Dave's arrival, Robin.

I was lucky to know him in other ways, but several of my kids where at Davis High when Dave was.

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Very nice tribute to a great guy that I enjoyed as a fellow Catholic at st. James on committees at Pastoral Council over our years

Thanks Bob


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I know Dave enjoyed working with you, Barry.

He was literally everywhere.

I wonder if he ever slept

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Wonderful column, Bob. Our connection to Dave was through Acme Theatre Company. Our daughter Took Acme's summer classes from second grade on and joined the Company in 9th grade. His mantra that the young people are responsible for all aspects of the theatre production was the bottom line. Thank you Dave.

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I heard that over and over, Shelley, that he let the kids be in charge and that may all the difference in how quickly and well they learned.

Just a great, great human being.

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I'm deeply grateful to learn of this remarkable human being whose boundless, loving ways left an indelible mark on so many during his long and fruitful life. At the tender age of 66 years old, I'm impressionable and receptive to stories about people who truly understand the whole point of being here. My world is made brighter by the knowledge that Mr. Dave Burmester lived so well. Thank you, Bob, for honoring the gifts and memory of a good, humble servant of light.

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He was a bright light he showed many that kindness and compassion are the only way.

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Beautiful tribute to a truly special human. I met Mr. Burmester in Student Government at Davis High, and his gentle and unforgettably kind demeanor had a lasting impact on so many. Deep condolences to his family and to our community.

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We were lucky to have him for so long, Gigi. He was Dave, as always, right to the end.

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Amen, Bob

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Thanks, Jan.

A beautiful human being who left the world a better place than he found. Imagine all the lives he touched so profoundly,

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