Compelling complications convince Large Judging Body to move deadline
11 word contest entry. My doctors office asked that I describe my problems in 10 words or less.
"" Could not describe the problem in ten words I used eleven""
"" Well it hurts here here here here here here and there""
"" Sharp pain in glute medius muscles and tight along the illiacrest.""
Sounds like a migraine to me, Robert.
Take two Advil and call me in the morning.
$50 co-pay - Cash Only
The orange sky frowning over the devastation will forever haunt us.
excellent Kristin
So well said, Kristin
Unfortunate to be traveling and miss a shot at extra credit.
One of the worst words in the English language is: Leaking.
Leaking is never a good thing, whether it's your engine, your toilet or your roof.
Of course, taking a leak in a dense forest is a rare and liberating joy.
Bob can write that's right about his bestie leftest lefty leftists
You're making me dizzy, Chris
Betsy and I would love to join you guys for dinner!
What does church density say about the People’s Republic of Davis?
Where is Julie Partansky when you can really use her eccentricity?
How many fabulous words can Bob Dunning write in a week?
Three for three, Andrew.
The last one is especially good.
I hope you get at least one more submission before the deadline!
When is the new deadline? I have several entries ... believe it or not.
Compelling complications convince Large Judging Body to move deadline one week.
It seems that Snoopy might also want to submit and entry...
I still really want the dinner can I be the winner
Donald Inauguration and MLK Birthday wow two very Beloved American Heroes
11 word contest entry. My doctors office asked that I describe my problems in 10 words or less.
"" Could not describe the problem in ten words I used eleven""
"" Well it hurts here here here here here here and there""
"" Sharp pain in glute medius muscles and tight along the illiacrest.""
Sounds like a migraine to me, Robert.
Take two Advil and call me in the morning.
$50 co-pay - Cash Only
The orange sky frowning over the devastation will forever haunt us.
excellent Kristin
So well said, Kristin
Unfortunate to be traveling and miss a shot at extra credit.
One of the worst words in the English language is: Leaking.
Leaking is never a good thing, whether it's your engine, your toilet or your roof.
Of course, taking a leak in a dense forest is a rare and liberating joy.
Bob can write that's right about his bestie leftest lefty leftists
You're making me dizzy, Chris
Betsy and I would love to join you guys for dinner!
What does church density say about the People’s Republic of Davis?
Where is Julie Partansky when you can really use her eccentricity?
How many fabulous words can Bob Dunning write in a week?
Three for three, Andrew.
The last one is especially good.
I hope you get at least one more submission before the deadline!
When is the new deadline? I have several entries ... believe it or not.
Compelling complications convince Large Judging Body to move deadline one week.
It seems that Snoopy might also want to submit and entry...
I still really want the dinner can I be the winner
Donald Inauguration and MLK Birthday wow two very Beloved American Heroes